What’s new in Trifolia 2.14

Trifolia 2.14 was released on Thursday, June 5, 2014

IMPORTANT: Your web browser caches JavaScript. In order for Trifolia to work properly, you may need to force your browser to refresh individual Trifolia pages for it to retrieve the latest version of the application’s JavaScript files. If you encounter any issues within Trifolia, try refreshing your browser before submitting a support request.

User interface

The user interface for Trifolia has been re-designed to provide a more responsive experience. The Twitter Bootstrap API and Javascript are used to provide a clean, consistent and client-side-oriented user interface. Users of Trifolia should see a notable increase in performance.

Template Editor

The template editor has been re-designed to maximize screen real-estate and reduce the amount of time that the user spends waiting for popup dialogs to load.

Click on images for full size view

Template Editor Feature 1

Template Editor Feature 2

Template Viewer

The template viewer now has an additional tab called “Relationships”, which shows how other templates relate to the template you are viewing.

Template View Feature

Template Editing View Modes

Instead of using tabs in the constraint editor to separate the types of meta-data a user can view/edit for a constraint, a new “View Mode” option has been implemented. When a view mode is selected, it will show the fields available for that view mode in the constraint editor. The view mode stays the same when switching from one constraint to another.

Template Editing View Modes Feature 1

Template Editing View Modes Feature 2


In addition to the column filters that already exist in the browse screens, a broad search field has been added that will search multiple fields at once. For example, when searching for templates, the name, oid, implementation guide, and even conformance number fields are used by the broad search.

Browsing Templates Feature

Development Log

New Feature

Provide list of sections using a template.

New Feature

Implement bootstrap for UI design

New Feature

Re-design template editor


Layout/performance of “View Template” screen


Default “Is Open” field to “Open” in template editor


Export option for template statuses


Value Set Binding – Default to DYNAMIC


Expand the Terminology Browser window to use more screen real estate.


Link to contained template in template viewer


Name of template on Publish Settings Screen


Template editor must unmark identifier for children when branch is unmarked


Auto-resize terminology grids


Duplicate assert IDs


Export globally unique conformance numbers


Vocabulary export using incorrect publish date


Template Review returning wrong template oid


Template Editing – Constraints Search option not functioning correctly


Date picker for publish date – not obvious that there is a date picker