Clinical Analyst

"I am a part of improving healthcare interoperability which has a positive impact on people’s lives and wellness."

Kris Done is a registered nurse with over 10 years of experience as an acute care Clinical Informaticist. She has experience evaluating Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) measures to ensure compliance and develop strategies for improvement. She worked for over seven years as a critical care nurse and applies her clinical expertise to evaluate and adjust workflows and electronic health record documentation (EHR) architecture to increase efficiency and ensure regulatory compliance.

At Lantana, Kris provides clinical expertise and supports the development of digital and clinical quality measures, including protocols, measure specification updates, literature reviews, information analysis, and measure endorsement activities.

Kris earned both a bachelor's in nursing from the University of New Mexico and a master's degree in Nursing Informatics from the Western Governors University in Utah.



I’d like to travel to:
Haida Gwaii Archipelago on an extended kayaking trip

When you were 8 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to race motorcycles or be a mountain woman depending on the day.  About the age of 8 I once made moccasins from my dad’s favorite leather chamois in preparation for life as a mountain woman.

What was your first job?
Working the game booths at an amusement park in Utah called Lagoon