Lantana Blood Heroes

According to the American Red Cross, someone in the U.S. needs a blood transfusion every two seconds. In January 2022, the American Red Cross declared the first ever blood crisis. Because of the blood shortage, some hospitals could not get the blood products they needed, or the quantities needed, which in turn caused healthcare providers to make difficult decisions about who received blood products and who didn’t.

The Clinical Advisory Council (CAC) at Lantana Consulting Group responded to this crisis with a “call to action” by holding a virtual blood drive through the Red Cross’ SleevesUp campaign. The blood drive, which took place during May and June 2022, had a goal of 39 pledges, which represented half the company at that time. To pledge meant a show of support for the cause, which could be done in many ways such as volunteering at a blood donation center or healthcare system or donating blood. Our goal was not only to add to the nation’s blood supply, but to also show our support for the campaign with no obligation to donate. The Lantana executive team supported this effort by allowing paid time off for anyone wishing to donate blood or volunteer in support.

So how did we do? We received 27 pledges through the SleevesUp website. While we may not have hit our target number, we still think the campaign was a success:

  • There were a number of first-time blood donors.
  • Several staff had family members donate blood with them.
  • The campaign increased awareness of the need for blood, the donation process, and ideas for other ways to be involved.

Given this success, the CAC plans to make this an annual event, expand to organizations outside of the Red Cross, and welcome suggestions or feedback on how to make next year’s drive even better! We thank everyone who donated blood or supported this cause by pledging in this year’s campaign. While the nation’s blood supply remains at an all-time critical low, Lantana came together to support the community, increase awareness, and contribute their part in this important cause.