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HIMSS22 is the can’t-miss health information and technology event of the year, where professionals connect for education, innovation and collaboration. Mike Tushan and Marla Throckmorton will attend in person. Angela Flanagan will attend virtually. Plan to be there? Drop us a note:

ONC 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting

Mike Tushan is attending the second part of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology's (ONC) annual meeting. This part of the annual meeting focuses on networking; exhibit hall; and panel sessions about health IT and health equity, public health, patient access, and health information exchange.

HL7® FHIR® Dev Days

Dave deRoode, Ming Dunajick, Rick Geimer, and Ruby Nash will attend HL7® FHIR®DevDays, a conference that's all FHIR all the time. For newbies and experts alike, DevDays provides an opportunity to learn the basics or challenge your expertise. Be sure to catch Rick's presentation "Shop & Cook & Serve your Public Health Data with NHSNLink"…

Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference

Lynn Perrine will attend the 2022 Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference (NKBDS). This is the 10th anniversary of the conference and will feature a discussion of the alignment of NKBDS Initiative's five-year strategic plan and current recommendations from The Future of Nursing Report, The AACN Essentials, and the Unique Nurse Identifier.